Ruby Quick Reference

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This Ruby code fetches book information from an API using an ISBN and parses the JSON response into a Ruby hash. It starts by importing the net/http and json libraries to handle HTTP requests and JSON parsing. The API URL, which includes the ISBN 9784791765553, is defined as a string. This URL string is then parsed into a URI object. An HTTP GET request is made to this URI, and the response, which is in JSON format, is stored as a string. Finally, the JSON string is parsed into a Ruby hash for easy access and manipulation of the book data.


require "net/http"
#=> true
require "json"
#=> true

url = ""
#=> ""
uri = URI(url)
#=> #<URI::HTTPS>
response = Net::HTTP.get(uri)
#=> "[{\"onix\":{\"CollateralDetail\":{},\"RecordReference\":\"9784791765553...
    "ProductIdentifier"=>{"ProductIDType"=>"15", "IDValue"=>"9784791765553"},
           {"collationkey"=>"ネット バカ : インターネット ガ ワタシタチ ノ ノウ ニ シテイル コト",
            "content"=>"ネット・バカ : インターネットがわたしたちの脳にしていること"}}},
          {"content"=>"Carr, Nicholas G, 1959-", "collationkey"=>""}},
         "PersonName"=>{"content"=>"篠儀, 直子", "collationkey"=>"シノギ, ナオコ"}}]},
      "PublishingDate"=>[{"PublishingDateRole"=>"11", "Date"=>"201007"}]},
         [{"PriceType"=>"01", "CurrencyCode"=>"JPY", "PriceAmount"=>"2200"}]}}},
   {"datecreated"=>"2015-08-20 03:41:02",
    "datemodified"=>"2015-08-20 03:41:02"},
    "title"=>"ネット・バカ : インターネットがわたしたちの脳にしていること",
    "author"=>"Carr,NicholasG,1959- 篠儀,直子"}}]

Executed with Ruby 3.3.5